- Canada - BC - Vancouver - Events - 2006-08-07 Grasstown Smoke-In -

Image Uploaded: Aug 8, 2006

A gathering to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Gastown Smoke-In, an event organized in 1971 in response to an initiative by the city to drive away hippies through harassment. At the time, anti-drug laws had progressively been stiffened in the thought that harsher penalties would serve as a deterrent and there were no advocates for drug users (since it was limited to a small population and many felt that the problem was isolated to the ethnic population) In the original gathering, it was said that a local resident upset by the noise had tossed a glass bottle that shattered triggering a police response that resulted in a police brutality investigation.

At this latest smoke-in, it was just fun. A carnival band had set up in front of the old shoe shop and played their brass instruments, potheads sat in a circle around Maple Square sharing joints while the pot fairy carried a 12" doobie around to all those participating in the experience. Banners were hung from the statue of Gassy Jack who would probably of approved of this usage of his likeness. Party favours were handed out to attending individuals consisting of rolling papers for buds. Passersbys, mostly tourists drawn by the music stood momentarily wide-eyed then pulled out their cameras to record a hard copy to share with their friends when they got home.

The police were present but stood back and the most action occurred when they busied themselves with a topless activist, Linda Meyer, who walked along the middle of the road without her shirt but wearing a backpack. Upon passing us, shelooked at Kim to announce "I fought for this right for you". Turning the corner, the police stopped her and she leaned into the vehicle resting her breasts on the frame of the window. I suppose the officer didn't feel very comfortable about this and stepping out of the car found himself with a hefty set of documents to read.

Also saw Mark Emery there and considered running up to request my picture be taken beside him and to congratulate him on his wedding. He seemed rather busy though, all wired for sound with a camera man following him.

Good times.

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